[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ere you can find answers to the Frequently Asked Question about  Job Opportunity at CIEM Edu.

Is teaching experience necessary to earn the teaching opportunity at CIEM-EDU?

No, but an interest in teaching is necessary. You will receive some training in the theories and practical application of Teaching English Methodology for Vietnamese students during your orientation to the start of the job. We encourrage candidates with a teaching experience/certification (TEFL, TESOL, CELTA…), English degress or other translate skill to apply.

Where does CIEM-EDU arrange candidates to teach in Vietnam?

Most of our partner schools are located in Hanoi. Thus, available positions are also in Hanoi. It will be the first location you explore in Vietnam.

Can I be placed at the same institution/school as a friend of mine offered with a friend of mine?

Yes. We can work with our partner school to try to facilitate same-school or proximate placements for you. Please give us a note with your application for our infomation and action accordingly.

Can I bring my child(ren) or spouse with me when I teach in Vietnam? What about my girlfriend or boyfiend?

Yes,  you can bring your child(ren) or spouse or your girlfiend/boyfriend to Vietnam as long as they are able to obitain all necessary visas. CIEM-EDU will have our staff to suport you during your first month in Vietnam. However, our benefits are only provided to contracted person.

I have not completed my Bachelor's degree, can I still participate?

The answer is no. You must have secured your Bachelor’s degree prior to your start date. It is related to your work permit in Vietnam. However, you can apply while your degree is in progress. If this is your case, please submit a letter from a university professor. advisor, or registrar confirming when you are expected to graduate. Please address your specific situation with CIEM-EDU staff.

Do I have to speak Vietnamese?

No. In fact, most school prefer that their foreign English teachers are very fereign and local staff at our partner schools can comminicate in English. However, with some centain Vietnamese knowlege in mind will benefit you with your day to day lifeyou will find your daily life easier. You are also equipped with survival language lessons at orientation. Actually, you will have a lot of time and opportunity to learn Vietnamese right in Vietnam if you really want to.

Does CIEM-EDU arrange my first arrival flight?

Yes, our staff member in the US will support you in booking your arrival flight. Your airfare will be reimbursed after successfull completion of your contract. 

How can I apply for an entry visa to Vietnam?

Our staff  in the US will support you to apply for a visa in Vietnam Embassy in the US.

What do I need to prepare to apply for a work permit in Vietnam?

  • 02 copies of your Passport and valid Visa.
  • 02 notarized copies of Degrees/Qualifications/Certifications.
  • 02 original medical certificates/health checks within three months from start date.
  • At least 02 Letters of references from previous working places (applicable with local hire only).
  • An original Criminal-Record Check issued by appropriate foreign authorities in the locality where the foreigners resides before moving to Vietnam.
  • 10 (ten) color photos (size 3 cm x 4 cm) with bare head, taken frontally, showing clearly the face and 2 ears and no glasses with white background and taken no longer than 06 (six) months from start date.


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